About The Board
The board was constituted on 7th Nov 2011 but started functioning since 5th February 2002 with a view to promoting cultivation, conservation and marketing o medicinal plants in Arunachal Pradesh. The purpose of creating the board for the sector was aimed to provide more flexibility compared to the various department of the state. The board started functioning under the overall umbrella of the Health Department through a core group comprising of Hon’ble Minister (Health and Family Welfare) – cum Chairman, Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) – cum Vice Chairman and Member Secretary and was later shifted to Dep’t. of Environment & Forest in 2007. The functions under a full time Chairman with PCCF & Prin. Secy. As Vice Chairman, along with a Member Secretary and Research Officer (scientist) on the board.tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
About The Board
The main objectives of the State Medicinal Plants Board are as follows: –
- Coordination with Departments / Organizations, Central and State Government for development of Medicinal Plants.
- Assessment of demand/supply position relating to medicinal plants both within the state and outside.
- Advice concerned Departments/organizations on policy matters relating to schemes and programmes for development of Medicinal plants.
- Provide guidance in the formulation of proposals, Schemes programmes etc. to be taken up by the agencies, departments, NGOs individuals etc.
- Identification, inventorisation and qualification of Medicinal plants.
- Promotion of in-situ and ex-situ cultivation and conservation of Medicinal Plants.
- Promotion of co-operative efforts among growers and collectors of Medicinal Plant and assisting them in storage, transportation and marketing their produce at remunerative prices and effectively.
- Setting up database system of inventories, dissemination of information and facilitate prevention of patens being obtained for medicinal use of plants which is in the public domain.
- Matters relating to export-import of raw materials, as well as value added products either medicine, food supplements or as herbal cosmetics including the adoption of better techniques of marketing of products to increase their credibility for quality and reliability in the state of Arunachal and outside.
- Undertaking and awarding scientific, Technological research and cost-effectiveness studies on Medicinal Plants.
- Development of a standard for cultivation and quality control of Medicinal Plants.
- Encouraging the protection of Patent Rights and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
- Regulation and issue of procedure relating to registration of Medicinal Plants to farmers/growers, traders etc.